Preliminary results of the organic residue analysis of 13th century cooking wares from a household in Frankish Paphos (Cyprus)
Alessandra Pecci
Ruth Smadar Gabrieli
Fernanda Inserra
Miguel Cau-Ontiveros
S.Y. Waksman
Article dans une revue
Ceramic vessels and food consumption: Chalcis as a major production and distribution center in the Byzantine and Frankish periods
Nikos D. Kontogiannis
Stefania S. Skartsis
Giannis Vaxevanis
S.Y. Waksman
S.Y. Waksman (ed.). Multidisciplinary approaches to food and foodways in the medieval Eastern Mediterranean, pp.239-254, 2020, 978-2-35668-070-9
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Multidisciplinary approaches to food and foodways in the medieval Eastern Mediterranean
S.Y. Waksman
Changing people, dining habits and pottery technologies: Tableware productions on the eve of the Ottoman Empire in western Anatolia
Jacques Burlot
S.Y. Waksman
Beate Böhlendorf Arslan
Joanita Vroom
S.Y. Waksman (ed.). Multidisciplinary approaches to food and foodways in the medieval Eastern Mediterranean, pp.363-384, 2020, 978-2-35668-070-9
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Les agricultures urbaines : cultiver partout
Béatrice Maurines
Pellegrino Lilian
2015, pp.35-40
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DVD circuits courts : gouverner et innover dans les territoires, 1 h + 4 bonus
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Archaeological and archaeometric investigations of cooking wares in Frankish and Venetian Cyprus
Ruth Smadar Gabrieli
S.Y. Waksman
Anastasia Shapiro
Alessandra Pecci
S.Y. Waksman (ed.). Multidisciplinary approaches to food and foodways in the medieval Eastern Mediterranean, pp.97-112, 2020, 978-2-35668-070-9
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Food democracy and sustainability in France and Chile: Community gardens promote ecological citizenship
Consuelo Biskupovic
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Rosario Carmona
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Filmer le travail agricole à l’heure des circuits courts
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Introduction. The POMEDOR project “People, pottery and food in the medieval Eastern Mediterranean”
S.Y. Waksman
S.Y. Waksman (ed.). Multidisciplinary approaches to food and foodways in the medieval Eastern Mediterranean, pp.17-52, 2020, 978-2-35668-070-9
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Ce Saumon qui dérange ; le Chili dans la mondialisation
Béatrice Maurines
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L'alimentation de proximité comme projet
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Alimentation et proximités, jeux d'acteurs et territoires, 2016, 9791027500826
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Ce saumon nommé désir ; La fabrique incertaine de l'environnement
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Circuits-courts et territoires : études de dispositifs d'action en Rhône-Alpes
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Cécile Praly
Aurélie Dumain
Traversac J.B., Villard S. Circuits-courts. Contribution au développement régional, Educagri, pp.224, 2011
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