Institute of Functional Genomics of Lyon (IGFL)

The Institute of Functional Genomics of Lyon (IGFL) was created in January 2007 with ENS de Lyon, the CNRS as principal trustees; we are also affiliated to University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 and INRAe.

The IGFL is a research unit dedicated to discovery science where we do fundamental research. We aim to understand the role of the genome in mutlicellular organism development, function and evolution with a strong focus on integrative, organism-level research using a diversity of model and non-model organisms.

The unit is composed of research teams sharing a common vision of science and interest for integrative and multi-disciplinary biology. We are training a new generation of scientists and disseminating our research to the wider public. Although our research is fundamental in nature, we also want to continue translating some of our research outputs into potential assets for the economic sector.

We are developing a variety of experimental approaches (bioinformatics /comparative biology/ genetics/ epigenetics/ genomics/ biochemistry/ imaging/ modelling) empowered by scientists with diverse profiles and expertise (geneticists, genomicists, developmental biologists, cell biologists, molecular biologists, evolutionary biologists, paleobiologists, physiologists, biochemists, computational biologists, modelers and bioinformaticians). This multi-disciplinary diversity makes the IGFL a unique and attractive research environment for personnel at all levels, from France and abroad.

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