Reports (Research Report) Year : 2006

CR-LIBM A library of correctly rounded elementary functions in double-precision

Florent de Dinechin
Matthieu Gallet
Nicolas Gast
Christoph Lauter


The crlibm project aims at developing a portable, proven, correctly rounded, and efficient mathematical library (libm) for double precision. Current libm implementation do not always return the floating-point number that is closest to the exact mathematical result. As a consequence, different libm implementation will return different results for the same input, which prevents full portability of floating-point ap- plications. In addition, few libraries support but the round-to-nearest mode of the IEEE754/IEC 60559 standard for floating-point arithmetic (hereafter usually referred to as the IEEE-754 stan- dard). crlibm provides the four rounding modes: To nearest, to +∞, to −∞ and to zero.
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ensl-01529804 , version 1 (31-05-2017)


  • HAL Id : ensl-01529804 , version 1


Catherine Daramy-Loirat, David Defour, Florent de Dinechin, Matthieu Gallet, Nicolas Gast, et al.. CR-LIBM A library of correctly rounded elementary functions in double-precision. [Research Report] LIP,. 2006. ⟨ensl-01529804⟩
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