Poster De Conférence Année : 2024

Preparation of nanoparticle-based aerogels for real-time radioactive gas detection


The measurement of pure β emitting radioactive gases such as 3H and 85Kr is of major importance for the nuclear safety authorities, and will meet an increasing demand with the expansion of nuclear-based energy production. Due to the short penetration length of β electrons in air, gaseous β emitters must be mixed with radiosensitive elements to enable detection. These are either gas-gas mixtures in an ionization chamber, or gas-liquid mixtures in liquid scintillation. However, none of these existing methods combine real-time analysis, sensitivity to multiple gases, and ease of deployment for on-site measurements. We demonstrate a new gas-solid mixture approach using inorganic aerogels as nanoporous scintillators. This method combines the above criteria, allowing efficient realtime measurement of 3H and 85Kr activity. Here, we focus on the preparation of the scintillation aerogels, from 10g-scale nanoparticle synthesis to supercritical drying.
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jeudi 31 juillet 2025
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jeudi 31 juillet 2025
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hal-04863366 , version 1 (31-01-2025)


  • HAL Id : hal-04863366 , version 1


Yannis Cheref, Raphaël Marie-Luce, Pavlo Mai, Frédéric Lerouge, Sylvie Pierre, et al.. Preparation of nanoparticle-based aerogels for real-time radioactive gas detection. Summer School, 17th International Conference on Scintillating Materials and their Applications (SCINT2024), Jul 2024, Milan (Italie), Italy. . ⟨hal-04863366⟩
10 Consultations
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