Conference Papers Year : 2024

Preparation of nanoparticle based aerogel scintillators for real-time radioactive gas detection


The measurement of pure β emitting radioactive gases such as 3H and 85Kr is already of major importance for the nuclear safety authorities, and will meet an increasing demand with the expansion of nuclear-based energy production. Due to the short penetration length of β electrons in air, gaseous β emitters must be mixed with radiosensitive elements to enable detection. These are either gas-gas mixtures in an ionization chamber, or gas-liquid mixtures in liquid scintillation. However, none of these existing methods combine real-time analysis, sensitivity to multiple gases, and ease of deployment for on-site measurements. We demonstrate a new gas-solid mixture approach using inorganic aerogels as nanoporous scintillators. This method combines the above criteria, allowing efficient real-time measurement of 3H and 85Kr activity. This presentation will focus on the preparation of scintillating aerogels, from the 10g-scale synthesis of scintillating nanoparticles to supercritical drying of nanoparticle gels into aerogels. This preparation method has been successfully applied to different scintillating nanomaterials.
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Thursday, January 22, 2026

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hal-04863394 , version 1 (23-01-2025)


  • HAL Id : hal-04863394 , version 1


Yannis Cheref, Raphaël Marie-Luce, Pavlo Mai, Frédéric Lerouge, Sylvie Pierre, et al.. Preparation of nanoparticle based aerogel scintillators for real-time radioactive gas detection. 22nd international Sol-Gel conference, Sep 2024, Berlin (Germany), Germany. p229. ⟨hal-04863394⟩
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