Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2007

On Bisimulation Proofs for the Analysis of Distributed Abstract Machines

Damien Pous


We illustrate the use of recent, non-trivial proof techniques for weak bisimulation by analysing a generic framework for the definition of distributed abstract machines based on a message-passing implementation. The definition of the framework comes from previous works on a specific abstract machine; however, its new presentation, as a labelled transition system, makes it suitable for a wider range of calculi. A first version of the framework can be analysed using the standard bisimulation up to expansion proof technique. We show that in a second, optimised version, rather complex behaviours appear, for which more sophisticated techniques, relying on termination arguments, are necessary to establish behavioural equivalence.
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Dates and versions

ensl-00149964 , version 1 (29-05-2007)
ensl-00149964 , version 2 (19-06-2007)
ensl-00149964 , version 3 (13-12-2007)


  • HAL Id : ensl-00149964 , version 2


Damien Pous. On Bisimulation Proofs for the Analysis of Distributed Abstract Machines. 2007. ⟨ensl-00149964v2⟩
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